123 Browns Square Dr
Walhalla, SC 29691
Have you always wanted to research your family tree, but didn’t know where to start?
Local Genealogist Nan Jones will guide you through the process of discovering all the branches on your family tree!
Session 1: Saturday, March 5th
During this session, you will learn where to get started in the process of exploring your family history. You will discover helpful resources that will guide you through the process.
Session 2: Saturday, March 12th
During this session Mrs. Jones will incorporate the use of the internet, websites, and other technology into your research.
Both Sessions
$20 Member
$30 Non-Member
One Session
$10 Member
$15 Non-Member
Make sure to bring pencils, paper, and your laptop (if you have one) with you! If you’ve already started on your research, please bring it with you.