Hope Globe Painting Party

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October 10, 2019 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Oconee History Museum
123 Browns Square Dr
Oconee History Museum

Join us as we help paint for The Hope Globe non-profit!

All supplies are provided, all you have to do is donate your time to paint a globe for a sick child!

A $10 donation is suggested to help with the cost of supplies

The purpose of The Hope Globe is to create emotional support for when a child has to leave their home because of sicknesses and must stay in a hospital for an extended period of time. The Hope Globe consists of a small flower pot base, which can be painted in art sessions in the hospital or by other artists for the children. It also comes with an acrylic light globe that is also painted by local artists of the community and then filled with LED fairy lights. The globe can be used in the hospital room for the time the child is in the hospital and then taken home or to the next place of treatment such as rehab or where ever the child needs to be. It is theirs to keep.

This project’s vision is to unite the compassion of the community by using the skills of local artists and the generosity of those who feel inclined to share in our vision. It is our goal eventually to give a globe to every new child patient in America and then across the world.